capital of usa

Capital of United States of America: List of US States

List of 50 American States: the US States | Capitals | Territories

The capital of USA is Washington, D.C is also known as Washington or D.C. It is formally known as the District of Columbia that is the main seat of the US government after the American Revolution. The capital city of America is named after the first president and Founding Father of the USA; George Washington. The city shares borders with Virginia and Maryland and also the most visited city of the USA. Further, we have given a list of 50 states of America in alphabetical order for an easy reference. The list also provides abbreviations of US states.

capital of usa

The location for the creation of the capital of America was selected by the first President George Washington. The land selected was situated on the Potomac River. The related Act for the creation of capital was formed and passed on 9th July 1790. The same bill was signed and became law on 16th of July 1790. Since then the city is the main seat of the United States federal government and also a home of the many international organizations. It is one of the most significant political capital of the world. Also, check information related to the capital of the United Kingdom.

Names of States in the USA in Alphabetical Order with Capital Cities

Below list contains the names of the 50 states of USA with capital. It does not include the name of the federal city Washing DC. The list is provided in alphabetical order to make it easy for the readers to find the state they are looking for.

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List of State Abbreviations

Sr. no.   Name of the US States Postal Abbreviation of the State   Capital City of the State
1 Alaska AK Montgomery
2 Alabama AL Juneau
3 Arkansas AR Phoenix
4 Arizona AZ Little Rock
5 California CA Sacramento
6 Colorado CO Denver
7 Connecticut CT Hartford
8 Delaware DE              Dover
9 Florida FL Tallahassee
10 Georgia GA Atlanta
11 Hawaii HI Honolulu
12 Idaho ID Boise
13 Illinois IL Springfield
14 Indiana IN Indianapolis
15 Iowa IA Des Moines
16 Kentucky KY Frankfort
17 Kansas KS Topeka
18 Louisiana LA Baton Rouge
19 Maine ME August
20 Maryland MD Annapolis
21 Massachusetts MA Boston
22 Minnesota MN St. Paul
23 Michigan MI Lansing
24 Mississippi MS Jackson
25 Montana MT Helena
26 Missouri MO Jefferson City
27 Nevada NV Carson City
28 Nebraska NE Lincoln
29 New Hampshire NH Concord
30 New Mexico NM Santa Fe
31 New Jersey NJ Trenton
32 North Carolina NC Raleigh
33 North Dakota ND Bismarck
34 New York NY             Albany
35 Ohio OH Columbus
36 Oregon OR Salem
37 Oklahoma OK Oklahoma City
38 Rhode Island RI Providence
39 Pennsylvania PA Harrisburg
40 South Carolina SC Columbia
41 South Dakota SD Pierre
42 Texas TX Austin
43 Tennessee TN Nashville
44 Utah UT Salt Lake City
45 Virginia VT Richmond
46 Vermont VA Montpellier
47 West Virginia WA Charleston
48 Washington WV Olympia
49 Wisconsin WI Madison
50 Wyoming WY Cheyenne

Alaska is the largest state in the USA in terms of the total area that includes land area and water area. The smallest state is Rhode Island. Further, we have also provided a list of the territories of the United States of America. We are sure our post on the capital of USA is providing you abundant information you might be looking for. The above 50 US States printable list will let you get the list printed if required.

50 states of usa list with abbreviations

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List of US Territories: How Many Territories Does US Have

Likewise, many other countries, the USA too owns inhabited and uninhabited territories. Here is a list of the territory with its capital.

Apart from the states and the capital city, the United States also has many territories. These territories are located in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Here is a complete list of all the US territories for your quick reference.

Sr. no.
Name of US Territory Abbreviations
  1 American Samoa AS South Pacific Ocean
2 Northern Mariana Islands MP North Pacific
3 Guam GU North Pacific
4 US Virgin Islands VI Caribbean Sea
5 Puerto Rico PR Caribbean Sea

There are many other small islands known as the United States Minor Outlying Islands. They include Baker Islands, Kingman Reef, Navassa, Jarvis, Howland, Palmyra Atoll, Midway Atoll, and Wake Islands.

You will find detailed information about these territories on Wikipedia. Also, browse our website to know the capital of Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, India, Italy, and France. also provides list of the public holidays in different countries.

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